Roy's, private home. Integrated water purification system: iron remover Mach 2080fOD and combined system Mach 4050s (carbon filter and softener).
Center for Social Assistance "KALUPE". Integrated water purification system: filter CP 213fOD (Macrolite) and softener CP 216s. System performance 4.5 m3 / h.
Ulbroka. Integrated system for water treatment (iron removal and softening): pressure aerator, filter CP 208f OD (Macrolite), softener Mach 2060s.
Private house in Sigulda. Combined system Mach 4060s OD (Macrolite filter and softener).
Private house in Vaivari. Softener Mach 2060s. From mechanical impurities protected softener filters Infinity M and Big.
Madona region. Removal of iron: a mechanical filter InfinityA (automatic), pressure aerator, Sediment filters CP 213fOD (Macrolite). System performance 4.5 m3 / h. The system operates in automatic mode.
Saulkrasty. A comprehensive system of clearing of water (iron removal and softening): cartridge filter BIG, pressure aerator, filter Mach 2060fOD (Macrolite), softener Mach 2060s. System performance 3.5 m3 / h.
Liepaja region. Iron removal system: a mechanical filter Infiniti (automatic), pressure aerator, filter CP 208fOD (Macrolite). Performance of 3 m3 / h. The system operates in automatic mode.
Vecumnieki, private house. Compact system softening Mach 2050s. Mechanical impurities from water softener is being protected cartridge filters BIG.
Jelgava, city water. Softening system Mach 2060s. Mechanical impurities from water softener is being protected DrufiFF filters and cartridge filters.
Marupe, Riga region. Softening system Mach 2030s.
Liepaja region. Iron removal system: a mechanical filter Avanti RF, pressure aerator, filter CP 208fOD (Macrolite). Performance of 3 m3 / h.
Factory in Daugavpils. Softening system composed of four softeners CP 216sOD, working in parallel. From mechanical impurities filter system is protected by MultipurM. System performance of 32 m3 / h.
Liepaja, city water. Softening system Mach 2030s. Mechanical impurities from water softener filters DrufiFF protected and BIG.
Mersrags, fish production. Softening system: a mechanical filter InfinityA (automatic), softener Mach 2175s. Performance 4,5 m3 / hour. The system operates in automatic mode.
Liepaja region. Iron removal system: a mechanical filter InfinityAP (automatic), pressure aerator, filter Hydrus HF 118m (Macrolite). The system operates in automatic mode. System performance is 5 m3 / hour.
The warranty onthe systemfiltersandKINETICOTWO YEARS.